
El gestor para tu Colección de Pokémon TCG

Image of the card Cubone
Image of the card Machoke
Image of the card Ponyta
Image of the card Omanyte
Image of the card Doduo
Image of the card Nidorino
Image of the card Zapdos ex
Image of the card Kingler
Image of the card Pidgeot
Image of the card Gastly
Image of the card Jynx ex
Image of the card Magnemite
Image of the card Cubone
Image of the card Machoke
Image of the card Ponyta
Image of the card Omanyte
Image of the card Doduo
Image of the card Nidorino

Explora una enorme base de datos de cartas

11 000

Cartas registradas

1 000 000

Solicitudes mensuales

Administra tu colección de Pokemon TCG directamente desde tu navegador!

Gestión de colección

Cartas Normales

0 of 0

Cartas Reversas

0 of 0

Image of the card Mr. Mime
Image of the card Blastoise ex
Image of the card Oddish
Image of the card Tentacool
Image of the card Ekans
Image of the card Wigglytuff ex
Image of the card Charmeleon
Image of the card Kangaskhan ex
Image of the card Voltorb
Image of the card Golbat
Image of the card Alakazam ex
Image of the card Rattata
Image of the card Mr. Mime
Image of the card Blastoise ex
Image of the card Oddish
Image of the card Tentacool
Image of the card Ekans
Image of the card Wigglytuff ex

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La API de TCGdex es completamente gratuita y de código abierto.
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¡Nada podría ser más fácil, puedes contactarnos directamente en el Github de la API o directamente por correo electrónico!
¡También puedes crear tus propias herramientas utilizando la API siguiendo la documentación a continuación!