
El gestor para tu Colección de Pokémon TCG

Image of the card Vaporeon
Image of the card Exeggutor
Image of the card Primeape
Image of the card Dratini
Image of the card Poliwag
Image of the card Persian
Image of the card Eevee
Image of the card Growlithe
Image of the card Pikachu
Image of the card Poliwrath
Image of the card Kabutops
Image of the card Exeggcute
Image of the card Vaporeon
Image of the card Exeggutor
Image of the card Primeape
Image of the card Dratini
Image of the card Poliwag
Image of the card Persian

Explora una enorme base de datos de cartas

12 000

Cartas registradas

1 000 000

Solicitudes mensuales

Administra tu colección de Pokemon TCG directamente desde tu navegador!

Gestión de colección

Cartas Normales

0 of 0

Cartas Reversas

0 of 0

Image of the card Koffing
Image of the card Lapras
Image of the card Ninetales ex
Image of the card Wartortle
Image of the card Poliwhirl
Image of the card Venusaur ex
Image of the card Charmander
Image of the card Hitmonchan
Image of the card Mew ex
Image of the card Arcanine
Image of the card Gafas de Seguridad
Image of the card Energía Psychic Básica
Image of the card Koffing
Image of the card Lapras
Image of the card Ninetales ex
Image of the card Wartortle
Image of the card Poliwhirl
Image of the card Venusaur ex

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La API de TCGdex es completamente gratuita y de código abierto.
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¡También puedes crear tus propias herramientas utilizando la API siguiendo la documentación a continuación!